Odessa (Next Release)

Release Date:  ~ Dec 2024

05/20/2024 - The TSC voted to approve delaying 3.2 until the December timeframe. This is to allow the key features of Core Keeper, OpenBao and OpenZiti to be fully available in this release.

Code Freeze:  TBD

Namer: Farshid Tavakolizadeh and Mengyi Wang (both Canonical)

The Odessa release is EdgeX version 3.2 (the 14th overall release and the second dot release off EdgeX 3.0).

Release Major Themes (Planned)

  • Complete URIs for files item, i.e., parity for C Device Service SDK
  • Replace Hashicorp Consul with Core-Keeper

  • Replace Hashicorp Vault with OpenBao

  • EdgeX modelling and relationship enhancements 
    • Parent/Child Devices
    • Virtual Device Resources
    • Device Metadata in Provision Watchers
    • Protocol Info in Device Definitions (at least a UCR in this cycle)
    • Device Functions (at least a UCR in this cycle)
  • Zero Trust / Secure Distributed EdgeX (OpenZiti Integration)

  • Continue EdgeX documentation redesign - focusing on updating all device service docs to the new consistent formatting, and an overhaul of the security section
  • Add security capability to our NanoMQ option

See the Odessa Planning page for details