Release Date: May 11, 2022
Code Freeze: April 27, 2022
Namer: Tony Espy (Canonical)
The Kamakura Release is version 2.2 (a minor release on the second major release - Ireland - made during the summer of 2021). It is therefore backward compatible with Ireland (as well as Jakarta). It is the 10th overall community release of EdgeX Foundry.
Release Major Themes
- Metrics Telemetry Collection (Beta released)- making it easier for adopters to monitor the health and status of the EdgeX services with some collection examples added to core data (example: number of events/readings persisted) and App services (MessagesReceived, PipelineMessagesProcessed and PipelineMessageProcessingTime). Documentation links:
- https://docs.edgexfoundry.org/2.2/microservices/general/#service-metrics
- https://docs.edgexfoundry.org/2.2/microservices/application/AdvancedTopics/#built-in-application-service-metrics
- https://docs.edgexfoundry.org/2.2/microservices/application/AdvancedTopics/#custom-application-service-metrics
- https://docs.edgexfoundry.org/2.2/microservices/application/AppServiceConfigurable/#metrics-influxdb
- Delayed Start Services -addition and changes of security services to allow for EdgeX services to be added and started anytime and still receive security tokens without the need for a restart of the platform
- New camera device services - allowing improved capabilities to command, control and interface with ONVIF and USB cameras. The previous Camera Device Service is now deprecated
- LLRP/RFID device and application services – making it easier to consume and use RFID collected data
- V2 of the EdgeX CLI - allowing CLI calls of any of the EdgeX REST APIs, and compatibility with EdgeX 2.0 while also adding tab completion, use of the registry to provide configuration, and improved output results.
Additional features/updates/project improvements
- Added or updated GPIO and CoAP services
- Ability to build EdgeX services on Windows platform (providing optional inclusion of ZMQ libraries as needed)
- CORs enablement
- Added additional testing – especially around the optional use of services
- Added testing to the GUI
- Optimized the dev ops CI/CD pipelines
- Kubernetes Helm Chart example for EdgeX
- Added linting (the automated checking of source code for programmatic, stylistic and security issues) part of the regular build checks and tests on all service pull requests
- Formalized release and planning meeting schedule
- Better tracking of project decisions through new GitHub project boards
Known Bugs
None at this time
Core, Supporting, System Management, and Security Services Changelog
Go Device Service SDK Changelog
C Device Service SDK Changelog - coming soon
App Service Configurable Changelog
Camera Device Service Changelog
CoAP Device Service Changelog - coming soon
Modbus Device Service Changelog
Virtual Device Service Changelog
EdgeX User Interface Changelog
Release Design Decisions
, multiple selections available,
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