Annual Awards

Annual Awards

Annual Awards of the Year announced by EdgeX China Community

2020 was a year like no other, as we witnessed the ravages of the COVID epidemic and the global economic turmoil together. However, the EdgeX Foundry China community has thrived over the past year, successfully organizing the EdgeX Challenge Shanghai, China Day event, and numerous training and meetup events both online and offline, bringing together a large number of developers, architects, and industry experts. Today, EdgeX community has developed into the largest edge computing community in China. We know that the community thrives thanks to a large number of active community members, who either enthusiastically contribute code to benefit the EdgeX ecosystem or actively participate in project promotion and evangelism. The "Evangelist of the Year" and "Code Contributor of the Year" of the EdgeX China community in 2020 have been recommended by the core team of EdgeX China and approved as follows.

(by sequence of 1st letter of organization's name)
CandidatesRecommended AwardWhy to be recommended
IntelZhihao WangBaowu Steel groupEvangelist of the yearFacilitated EdgeX landing in Baowu steel group and supported subsequent evolutions
IntelXiongwei YuAgree technplogyEvangelist of the yearFacilitated EdgeX landing in ADaaS (Agree technology's Device as a Service) solution in banking vertical
IOTech, IntelHans ChenIOTechEvangelist of the yearUsed EdgeX and Node-Red to deal with visualization data
IOTech, VMwareCloud TsaiIOTechCode contributor of the yearLed design, development and test of EdgeX v2 API
Intel, VMwareRocky JinEMQEvangelist of the yearPromoted EdgeX with Kuiper (rules engine of EdgeX Applications service).
Jiangxing Intelligence, VMwareDanyang SongJiangxing IntelligenceEvangelist of the yearPushed EdgeX solution landing & deployments with  use cases of state grid, water authority, oil & gas, Beijing Energy group.
Jiangxing IntelligenceYaohong LiJiangxing IntelligenceCode contributor of the yearOpen sourced GPIO/UART device service to the community, and 7 samples of common device drivers 
ThundersoftShuo ZhangThundersoftEvangelist of the yearFacilitated EdgeX solution cooperations/landing with Telco operators, Universities 
ThundersoftJintao BaiThundersoftCode contributor of the yearContributed code on EdgeX device onboarding solutions, to realize auto-join functions; Expanded ONVIF device services.
VMwareHuaqiao ZhangVMwareCode contributor of the yearContributed code on EdgeX UI

Each of the above winners will receive a medal awarded by the EdgeX Foundry China community.

Your efforts make the EdgeX Foundry community stronger, and we look forward to receiving more support from you!

EdgeX Foundry China Community
January 2021

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