2019-2020 TSC

2019-2020 TSC

Timeline (Approved by TSC on May 15)

  • May 15 - Monday, June 3: Establish list of Contributors, WG Chair Nominations
  • Week of June 3 – June 7:  WG Chairs elected by their perspective WGs
  • May 15– Friday, June 7:  TSC At-large nominations
  • Week of June 10 – June 14:  TSC At-large Elections
  • Week of June 17 – June 21: TSC Chair & Vice Chairman Nominations (by newly elected WG Chairs and TSC At Large members)
  • Monday, June 24: End of current TSC term
  • Tuesday, June 25: 1st day of new TSC
  • Week of June 24 – June 28: TSC Chair Voting

Contributors Registry (must be a contributor to vote in a WG or general election)

Each working group listed on separate tab.  You must contribute in that WG to vote for WG chair.

All contributors (no matter the WG) can vote for the 3 at-large TSC position.


Nomination Submission

Working Group Nominations Received

Working GroupName/OrganizationNomination Statement/BioNominee has accepted Nomination

Nominee validated as Contributor 

ApplicationsMike Johanson, IntelMike and Lenny from Intel delivered our new, scalable, extensible, and beautiful Application Services and functions SDK during this release.  Mike has already shown a lot of the leadership around the north side layer and integration issues associated with this layer.  Intel has become a phenomenal partner in EdgeX and Mike will provide great leadership in that vein.YesVerified
CertificationRodney Hess, BeechwoodsRodney has been a constant contributor to EdgeX in a number of endeavors since EdgeX’s founding.  In particular, he has assisted in security design and work, and helped drive the design and implementation of north bound connectors (in both the old export services and new application functions).  Importantly, he has been a regular contributor to the current Certification Process schedule to role self-assessment in the Fuji release timeframe.YesVerified
CoreTrevor Conn, DellIs there a design question or issue inside EdgeX that doesn’t include the question “Trevor, what are your thoughts?”.  Trevor has become one of the (if not THE) project’s technical leaders and he has done an outstanding job in his role as Core chair.YesVerified
Device ServicesIain Anderson, IOTechIain has been doing great work in the DS WG on things like the DS SCK in C.  He has been under the direction and guidance of Steve Osselton (IoTech) and is now ready to lead this WG.YesVerified
DevOpsJames Gregg, IntelJames volunteered to take on DevOps at a point of near crisis for the project.  On losing Jeremy Phelps, James stepped in and has guided the dev ops efforts smoothly through the Edinburgh release – not an easy job given the size of the release and the global nature of our community.  Importantly, James has brought with him a team of people to help with dev ops concerns.  Under his efforts and leadership of his team, our EdgeX DevOps capability and infrastructure have increased substantially in just a few months.YesVerified
SecurityMalini Bhandaru, VMware and Tingyu Zeng, RSA/Dell (Co-Chairs)Tingyu is “Mr. Security” as the person with the knowledge of our current EdgeX security implementations and design.  Malini comes to the project with years of open source experience at Intel, is the lead for IoT/edge open source at VMWare, and has already contributed to institute our new EdgeX Security Issues Process.Tingyu - Yes
Malini - Yes
System ManagementJim White, DellJim as you are all aware is the Father of EdgeX from it's inception as a Dell CTO incubator, through two years of involvement on the TSC where he has been our de facto Technical lead. Without Jim's Technical leadership, collaborative approach and his cool calm head we would not be where we are today. Jim also serves as deputy Chair of the TSC. I strongly urge you to support Jim's nomination.YesVerified
Test/QARobin Chattergee, IOTechRobin has been working under Andy Foster’s direction and is ready to take over the Test QA role – continuing IoTech’s long and steady guidance in EdgeX.YesVerified
Vertical SolutionsBrad Corrion, IntelStarted and has led the commerce project under the Vertical Solutions WG.  Brad’s efforts have started to give us real world use case considerations in the commerce/retail world on which to base EdgeX architecture and technical decisions.  We’ll be looking to Brad to help drive the expansion of his work into other verticals and help us keep EdgeX firmly rooted in user needs.YesVerified

TSC At-Large Nominations Received

Name/OrganizationNomination Statement/BioNominee has accepted NominationNominee validated as Contributor
Keith Steele, IOTechBoth Keith (our current TSC chair) and Tony (currently serving at large but previous Device Service Chair) have served with distinction since EdgeX founding.  Keith has been the steady hand to chair our EdgeX efforts while also giving our community real world perspective from an organization building a business around EdgeX (the ultimate user group).  Keith believed in EdgeX even when I had doubts.  Without Keith’s project guidance and overwhelming evangelism in the world, I am convinced EdgeX would be relegated to the historical heap of forgotten open source efforts.  Tony brings years of experience in all manner of systems.  Tony is the architect’s architect.  He has probably commented on more designs & PRs, and impacted more technical decisions in EdgeX than anyone.  He is thorough.  He is detail oriented – I have found you ignore Tony at the peril of your design and usual reversal of your decision.  We need the leadership and experience of Keith and Tony serving the project into this next year as at-large members of the TSC.YesVerified
Tony Espy, CanonicalBoth Keith (our current TSC chair) and Tony (currently serving at large but previous Device Service Chair) have served with distinction since EdgeX founding.  Keith has been the steady hand to chair our EdgeX efforts while also giving our community real world perspective from an organization building a business around EdgeX (the ultimate user group).  Keith believed in EdgeX even when I had doubts.  Without Keith’s project guidance and overwhelming evangelism in the world, I am convinced EdgeX would be relegated to the historical heap of forgotten open source efforts.  Tony brings years of experience in all manner of systems.  Tony is the architect’s architect.  He has probably commented on more designs & PRs, and impacted more technical decisions in EdgeX than anyone.  He is thorough.  He is detail oriented – I have found you ignore Tony at the peril of your design and usual reversal of your decision.  We need the leadership and experience of Keith and Tony serving the project into this next year as at-large members of the TSC.YesVerified
Joe Pearson, IBMJoe is relatively new to the EdgeX community, but brings a passion for the smaller (and sometimes neglected) devices.  He is on the newly-formed Open Horizon - EdgeX Project Group, which is evaluating a code contributionfor potential integration.  He also currently serves on the LF Edge TAC, where he worked on the PLD process and the Existing Project Taxonomy.  His background is in software architecture and technology strategy, but still gets his hands dirty playing with code.  His desires for EdgeX are to incorporate standard northbound connectivity to all of the public clouds, and to see Machine Learning (ML) pipelines easily integrated with the platform to enable cognitive edge applications and analytics.YesVerified

TSC Chair 

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