Product Manager
Product Manager
Approved by the TSC on 6/17/20
- Executor of the overall release per the direction laid out by the TSC.
- Has knowledge of the overall architecture of the EdgeX platform and how the components interact
- Has basic knowledge of how software is implemented, perhaps previous experience as a dev, in order to follow technical concepts
- Participates in release planning F2F, helping to refine future scope and identifying interlocks early
- Working with the TSC Chair and working group chairs, helps define the roadmap - especially providing visibility to cross cutting concerns as they relate release roadmap items.
- Works with each working group chairs to coordinate and track the current release items and give visibility to sequence of major deliverables leading up to release
- In this way we can easily see if a group is lagging behind the pace needed to complete deliverables for release
- Has knowledge of EdgeX Kanban board and how issues are associated via labels. Also knowledge of release milestones in Github. The PM should be willing to help new WG leads ramp up on mgmt. practices.
- Suggest PM conduct a Kanban review with each WG lead no less frequently than bi-weekly to ensure issues are being tracked appropriately.
- PM should attend the various working group meetings as needed to ensure delivery remains on track.
- This is particularly key when feature interlocks are being designed and when nearing completion
- PM should report out to the TSC on an as-needed basis w/r/t feature completion status, blockers, dependencies
- Optionally, PM has some visibility and relationship with community members engaged in real-world use cases or product/support as a voice to help qualify whether a technical feature makes business sense.
- Like the release Czar, the PM is a non-voting member of the TSC.
- Due to the volume of work and potential conflicts of interest, the PM should not be the TSC chair or WG chair. An at-large TSC seat may serve in the PM role.
To be reviewed after the first 6 month PM tenure
- separation of role from TSC member
- whether and to what extent, the PM is a contributor, PR submitter/reviewer and ADR creator.
- role in creating and documenting the roadmap review/agenda for F2F and longer term planning, publishing outcomes of the F2F meetings, and generally communicating EdgeX roadmap
, multiple selections available,
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