Project Work, Status & Roadmap Suggestions

Project Work, Status & Roadmap Suggestions

GitHub Projects

EdgeX Foundry uses GitHub Projects to manage and monitor the status tasks (“to-do”) and related work associated with the project. 

The GitHub Project boards are available at:  https://github.com/orgs/edgexfoundry/projects

Submitting an enhancement, new feature or longer term EdgeX Roadmap suggestion

Members of the EdgeX GitHub organization can submit a new task or project suggestion directly into the project boards.

Non-members of EdgeX are encouraged to submit an issue against one of the existing EdgeX repositories.  Currently, GitHub Project is only visible to the EdgeX GitHub organization.  However, as a work around this access issue, EdgeX allows issues to be submitted through GitHub (https://github.com/edgexfoundry).  Simply submit an idea by creating an issue against the appropriate EdgeX GitHub repository.  If you are unsure about which repository, try to pick the one that you feel the suggested task or feature most aligns.  Technical leadership will review your suggestion and may move it to the appropriate repository and project board as needed.

We also encourage ideas (big and small) to be submitted through issues.  See the labeling and guidelines below for how to distinguish between smaller enhancements versus larger roadmap items.

How To Submit

Use the EdgeX GitHub to create a new issue.  When you submit a new issue, please provide a meaningful title (at #1 below) and as much detail as possible in the comment suggestion (at #2 below) so that the suggestion is clear.

If you know the repository or project to assign it to, select it (at #3 above), but take your best guess if you are unsure where the task should be located.

Only assign it to developers or “assignees” (at #4 above) if you are sure who has ownership of this area and tasks (usually assignment of the tasks is left to EdgeX working group chairpersons).

In the Labels (see #5 above), please choose from one of the following options:

  • Bug – use this only when there is a problem you have identified in the existing EdgeX system.  See https://lf-edgexfoundry.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FA/Contributor%27s+Guide#Contributor%27sGuide-ReportingIssues for more details
  • Enhancement – use this label if an existing EdgeX feature could use some additional capability or improvement.  Typically, enhancements only affect a single micro service.  Working group chairpersons will typically assess the enhancement and accept/reject it for the current or future release.
  • New Feature – use this label if a completely new need or feature is required.  Working group chairpersons (sometimes in collaboration with the technical steering committee depending on the size and significance of the new feature) will assess the feature request and accept/reject it for the current or future release.  Significant large new feature items may be requalified as roadmap requests.
  • Roadmap Request – use this label to identify a larger or more significant feature or change to EdgeX.  Typically, roadmap items are enhancements or changes to EdgeX that will involve multiple micro services and require significant time to implement.  Roadmap items will be reviewed by the EdgeX technical steering committee for official adoption in to the project’s release roadmap.  See https://lf-edgexfoundry.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FA/Roadmap for EdgeX roadmaps.

Milestones are completely optional (#6).  If the task or roadmap suggestion you have can be easily broken into subtasks or milestones feel free to enter them.  This again is usually an element to be filled in by the EdgeX developer community.

Review of Requests

Your request for a task, new feature, enhancement, roadmap item, etc. will be reviewed by the appropriate developers, working group chairpersons and potentially the project technical steering committee.  After being reviewed, it may be further labeled:

  • Accepted – an enhancement, new feature, or roadmap item will be tagged accepted when the work is deemed necessary in EdgeX and will be slated for eventual implementation by the appropriate working group chairperson.
  • Rejected – and enhancement, new feature or roadmap item will be tagged rejected when the work has been rejected as unnecessary or not possible in EdgeX. 
  • Duplicate – a bug, enhancement, new feature, roadmap request or any issue may be tagged as duplicate when the developers or working group chairperson has determined it similar enough to an existing request that it can be ignored.
  • Wont Fix – for bugs that will not be fixed due to some issue or because the bug will be corrected by a new upcoming feature or enhancement.
  • Help Wanted – used by the EdgeX community as a way to label bugs, features, enhancements for developers at large looking for a way to help address immediate concerns and needs within EdgeX.  Typically, these tasks are not long term or complicated features/bugs.


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