Geneva Planning for Applications

Potential tasks

  • Alternate bus subscription (other than 0MQ)
  • Allow distribution to multiple application services
  • Application services that subscribe to multiple topics
  • Additional language SDKs (or how to support alternate language export with single Go SDK)
  • Include configurable application service libs in application service SDK (to better support cloud exports)
  • Interoperability testing (beyond unit and API tests) - something needed across the project
  • Move to Markdown (vs RST) for documentation - suggested by this work group, but something that needs to be adopted by the project to go forward
  • Support Cloud Events?

Beyond Geneva potential tasks

  • Block chain exploration (Intel and Dell initiative guides)
  • How to provide command information to cloud providers
  • Other north bound endpoints (Google, Tencent, etc.)
  • Other application service functions (more common filters, more common aggregators, etc)
  • Support for other formats (Haystack, OPC UA, etc.)

Architectural discussions

  • How to handle data created by application services being re-introduced to core data (ex:  take multiple readings in one event and make it multiple event/readings, or take multiple readings on temperature and combine them into an average reading)
  • What to do with the rules engine in Java