2022-09-15 Meeting notes

2022-09-15 Meeting notes


Meeting Recording 2022-09-15


Arnaud J LE HORS

Henry Lau

Joseph Pearson

Bruce Burrage

David C Martin


  • Create a demo that we can run in our companies labs and use to demonstrate ORRA's value proposition
  • Leverage the LF Edge lab infrastructure to set up and run an ORRA instance
  • ProvideĀ a stable, supported definition of all ORRA components
  • Let people bring their own use case and experiment with the platform

Discussion items

20 minPotential gaps in the reference architectureJoseph Pearsonslides
20 minArchitectural Diagram



10 minAny other update?All

Action items

  • Talk to potential Adopters and see if they have any pressing use cases they would like to address with ORRA
  • David C Martin to write down a one page description of the Architectural Diagram to publish along with the diagram
  • Joseph Pearson to talk to Jeff about updating the Architectural Diagram
  • Think about whether we should add any text to the ORRA Ref architecture document about what is not considered part of ORRA but might still be necessary in practice