Planned Scope

Planned Scope

This page is intended to summarize the planned scope for the Ireland / v2.0 release insofar as it concerns the device services, and to ensure that we have issues created to encompass the work required. It is not for tracking progress; use the GitHub project #26 for that.

SubjectGo SDKC SDKDevice ServicesOther
Consume v2 REST APIs#528#210

Remove legacy code

  • v1 APIs
  • Remote Logging
  • Access to queries by object id
  • Base64 float encoding
  • OperatingState for device service
  • Legacy environment variables and commandline
#544 (Logging)#306 #307
core-contracts: #246 #319 #372

"Writable" configuration changes

  • LogLevel should be at the top level of the Writable section
  • Other elements should be structured to mirror the non-writable structure

Model / DTO changes

  • Reading: "Name" → "ResourceName"
  • Event, Reading: Add "ProfileName"
  • OperatingState: States change to "UP" and "DOWN"


core-contracts #318 #370 #373
Add the ability to send Events via MessageBus (this to be the default)#530#258

core-metadata to inform DS of changes to its AdminState via callback#664#311
edgex-go #2790
Enable access to credentials in secret-store#564 #653#304 #305device-mqtt #159
Maximum request size to be configurable#665#308
bootstrap #130
Validate set requests against minimum/maximum if specified in profile#666Done in 1.x

Provide tooling for config migration v1→ v2


Replace the DeviceList in the toml file with a "devices" directory, as for profiles#668#47

Extend ProvisionWatchers to include AutoEvent specification#669#309
core-contracts #371
Stretch: Event Filtering in the DS#670#312

Potential/TBC: Support for certain dynamic updates to device profiles#671TBC

Move device-random to examples repository#672N/A

Implement new "playback" device service for simulations#673N/A

Review and adopt new Device Services, potentially:

  • BLE
  • LLRP
  • CoAP
  • UART
  • GPIO
  • others?

Review and improve existing Device Services, eg:

  • MQTT
  • Modbus

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