System Management WG Meeting: 3/5/19
System Management WG Meeting: 3/5/19
Attendees: Attendees that may have joined after the start of the meeting may not have been captured and listed.
Jim, Trevor (Dell), Jacob, Lenny (Intel), Tony (Canonical), Michael Hall (LF)
Discussion and action items as a result of meeting in RED
Old Business
Notes on Wiki "Live".
- Start/stop/restart EdgeX micro services – redesign API and executors
- PRs merged
- Design doc updated
- Add CPU usage metrics – merged
- We’ll want to look at potential redesign of metrics through something like executors in future releases
- Only available on Linux
- Add system management API to Go DS SDK
- Akram WIP
- Have a look at device simple as well as well as device random
- Add system management API to C DS SDK
- Add system management API to App Services SDK (already work in progress)
- Akram to reach out to Lenny
- Akram to reach out to Lenny
- Add health/status check of the services to the SMA
- This will be a call through to the configuration/registry service (Consul)
- Allows a single point of entry for all EdgeX control plane needs
- Long term road map update (see separate doc for this meeting)
- https://wiki.edgexfoundry.org/download/attachments/329501/EdgeX%20Foundry%20System%20Management%20Roadmap-11-26-18.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1543285863433&api=v
New Business
Issues: 2 bugs that require bugs #769, #1129 (parsing output from command)
Need these for Edinburgh (critical)
, multiple selections available,