Proposed Barcellona Goals and MVP
Barcelona Goals
· Stabilize the platform
· Build community understanding of the platform
· General majority agreement on the architecture
· General majority agreement on micro services and APIs
· General majority agreement on the development of an open, platform independent, technology agnostic platform for the IoT/edge
· General agreement on temporary performance targets
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
· Review and agree/adjust micro service APIs
· Review and agree/adjust object models
· Improve/increase documentation especially for areas of extension (DS SDK, Export Services)
· Harden/stabilize the platform
o Works properly for the intended use case (it may not be 100% complete implementations for all use cases or parts of a protocol for example, but it provides enough implementation to sustain the demo use cases for Barcelona and could support extension to the full needs or protocol in the future)
o Handles errors and exceptions gracefully
o Contains proper unit and integration tests (lacking in DS, supporting services and others)
o Follows good coding standards, and is well documented (following some prescribed standard per programming paradigm)
o Performs within the target measures established for Barcelona
§ Examine Kura in detail and adjust performance targets accordingly
· Deliver Docker containers that run on Intel chip for Linux, Window, Mac
Stretch goals
· Deliver Docker containers that run on Arm chip for Linux
Device Service / DS SDK
· Deliver initial set of 7 Device Services based on Dell contributions (Modbus, BACnet, Bluetooth, SNMP, MQTT, Serial (Fischertechnik), Virtual)
· Clean up SDK (and DSs)
o Improve documentation
o Merge device-sdk into SDK tools
o Improve tooling (Eclipse Plugin)
o Cleanup scheduler
Stretch goals
· Remove redundant code from Device Services/SDK to shared libraries
· Redo/refactor Bluetooth and BACnet DS to be single micro service
· Additional DS provided by additional community participation
Core & Supporting Services
· Clean up some minor issues
o Logging OOM, Remove Device Manager, etc.
Stretch goals
· Implement configuration callbacks (allowing for configuration changes dynamically without service restart
· Provide first Go replacements for Data, MetaData, Command (Dell has a start to these already)
Applications (including Export Services, Rules Engine/Analytics)
· Pick and provide at least one cloud connector (Azure IoT Hub has been prototyped by Dell)
· Offer MQTT, REST, ZeroMQ export
· Offer JSON, XML, CSV (not done yet) formats
· Improve module for encryption options
· Deal with potential number of readings, number of client scale problem
Stretch goals
· Implement 2nd cloud connector (ex: Amazon Greengrass, Watson, ???)
· Add additional format offering (ex: Haystack, etc.)
· Add hyperledger export option
· In general, define the EdgeX security story but postpone a lot of implementation to California
· WG to agree on requirements
· WG to agree on what security features are going to be in EdgeX and what’s going to be provided by the platform that EdgeX runs on (example: the underlying platform must have a keystore)
· WG to define what EdgeX security service(s) need to be eventually implemented
· WG to define what security hooks need to be added to the existing micro services
o How and to which services would APIs communicate with
· WG to define what standards, protocols, etc. are going to be adhered to and followed by EdgeX (ex: IIC specs, OAuth tokens, etc.)
· WG to provide guidance on how security features can/should be tested
Stretch goals
· Add stubbed hooks into micro service code
System Management
· In general, define the EdgeX system management story but postpone a lot of implementation to California
· WG to agree on requirements
· WG to agree on what features are going to be in EdgeX and what is reserved for OS, 3rd party systems, other open source systems, etc.
· WG to define what system management services need to be implemented as part of EdgeX (if any)
· WG to define what system management hooks need to be implemented
· WG to define any system management standards that will be followed/used in system management implementations (ex: LWM2M)
Stretch goals
· Add some simple system manage hooks/capability into BaseService of EdgeX micro services (Dell has already done some POC work with things like start, stop, …)
· Insure part of code review/code check is to insure proper unit/integration tests for the code are provided (backed up by code coverage statistics)
· Create a blackbox testing framework to insure the APIs between services are not broken and to be able to measure performance of a micro service and across multiple micro services to insure targets are achieved
· Automate blackbox testing on all micro services with each build
· Agree on a base set of policies and procedures around code check in, code approval, governance, etc.
· Utilize the existing LF build process with some additions noted below.
· Create Docker containers and push them to Docker Hub via the build process
· Anoint a Bug Czar to setup a bug management process and monitor, track, and address incoming bugs (along with general support issues across media channels)
Stretch goals
· Automate creation of ARM build/containers.
Event Demo
· Create a working group to define the use case and demo presentation
· Work with the community to get hardware, sensors, etc. donated for the demo
· Create a minimal user interface for EdgeX (could be based on Dell Fuse UI)
California Release Goals
· Implement first security and system management services and tie to existing micro services
· Improve performance
· Introduce replacement services as appropriate (ex: Go Core)
· Demonstrate EdgeX in real world POC/Test Bed