Geneva Release
Geneva Release
Code Freeze: Apr 22, 2020
Release: May 13, 2020
The Geneva release will be a minor release (1.2) with a focus on testing, a few but important key features such as automated device provisioning and a replacement for the final Java service - the rules engine.
Geneva Release Overview
Release Themes and Objectives
- Improved Security
- Interoperability testing
- Dynamic device provisioning/on-boarding
- Alternate messaging support (to 0MQ)
- Archive of Export Services - in favor of Application Services which was implemented with the Edinburgh and Fuji releases
- DevOps Jenkins Pipelines
- Provide an alternate local analytics service (archiving the Java-based rules engine service)
- Deprecating the following:
- Logging service
- MongoDB support
- Move to Go 1.13
- Redis as default DB
- Implement with username/password protection.
- 0MQ Alternate between core and app services
- Should help with Windows dev (long standing backlog)
- Separate the configuration and registry APIs
- Establish a document template for API information
- Used to better define the Swagger documents
- Use of Dependency Injection in Go services found in edgex-go
Core/Supporting Services
- Combine/reduce UIs
- Blacklist/whitelist of devices (w/ DS WG)
- As part of auto provisioning
- Alternate message bus provider (w/ App WG)
- Allowing data from Core Data to be pushed to multiple channels / topics and how to deal with marking an event/reading as pushed in that circumstances
- Allowing data from Core Data to be pushed to multiple channels / topics and how to deal with marking an event/reading as pushed in that circumstances
Application Services and App Functions SDK
- Export Service archive/deprecation
- Application services should provide for batch and send modes
- Rules Engine Replacement (w/ Core WG)
- JSON Logic and/or EMQX Kuiper implementation
- Create a design and implement a means for application services to feed data back into core data
- Support Cloud Event import (device service) and export (if not supporting Cloud Events model throughout) – stretch goal
Device Services and Device Service SDKs
- Automatic/dynamic device provisioning capability
- Array of data types (w/ Core WG)
- Data filter design between DS and Core Data
- Provide a design about how to implement this before implementing.
- If possible, can the filter functions be shared across App Services and D.S. (w/ App WG)
System Management
- Open Horizon “Walk phase” (TBD)
- Create a hardware secret storage design
- HW secure storage abstraction layer
- How to protect the Vault Master Key
- Create and use a per service Vault token in the security services
- Service token revocation and rotation
- Blackbox tests of APIs through the API gateway
- Design work
- How to implement HTTPS in EdgeX (that is, how to protect all service endpoints with HTTPS)
- How to implement role-based security across our all EdgeX services.
- Device Service testing – complete testing for current set of EdgeX Device Service (w/ DS WG)
- New blackbox tests to support V2 API changes on new Robot-based Test Automation Framework
- Documentation – move all API definitions to Swagger (w/ all WG assistance)
- Documentation – move from RST to Markdown
- Explore documentation versioning – stretch goal
- System integration / interoperability tests - Device Service read data -> Core Data -> Rules Engine or Application/Export Service -> Command
- Implement enough performance testing in order to be able to answer key performance measures – extend existing Robot perf test summary suite developed during Fuji
- Add unit tests/testing for global libraries. (w/ DevOps help) – stretch goal
- Move to Jenkins Pipeline
- Requires the use of Github.org Plugin for Jenkins
- Apply Synk scan to other services and images (w/ all WG input)
- Synk can’t do ARM images
- Planning and design work toward certification and self-assessment for when LTS hits.
Vertical Solutions WG
- China Project Team in place
Additional Release Notes
- Geneva will not be LTS. While no specific future release is pinpointed for LTS, the general hope is that the Ireland release will be a bug fix only, minor release that might be our best opportunity for an LTS.
- Export services are removed from the Geneva release. This required the approval of a backward compatibility exception for Geneva since it is no longer a major release.
, multiple selections available,
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