Operation Guideline

Operation Guideline

Site Navigation : Commerce | Oil & Gas | Smart Factory


EdgeX Foundry Vertical Solutions Working Group (VSWG) has serve several important purposes as follows:

1.     Develop unique requirements and code contributions for their respective markets.

2.     Feed requirements back into the EdgeX core working groups to optimize the core framework for many use cases spanning Industrial to Enterprise to Consumer, including B2B2C crossover like home health, usage-based insurance, smart grid, etc.

Today we have established three vertical Projects in VSWG : Commerce (led by Intel), Oil & Gas (led by NOV), and Smart Factory (led by Samsung) in order to tune process and allow code to mature.

Calling for anchor sponsors and participants to launch new vertical Projects. It is a great opportunity to demonstrate through leadership for your company and lead the way towards building an open ecosystem for your target market(s)!

  • Building, Retail, Transportation, Healthcare and Smart Homes are among the most logical next focus areas, others welcome!
  • We will be closely collaborating with the existing / upcoming project in LF Edge for acceleration of the deployment / development of open source edge computing technologies, such as Akraino Edge Stack, Home Edge Project, and Project EVE.


  • Create the sub category (Vertical project) representing each vertical domain.
  • List up the use case and requirement from each vertical domain.
  • Define Reference architecture model for each vertical or major use case.

Work Scope

  • Focused on users in vertical domains from EdgeX perspective.
  • Establish vertical market segment based on EdgeX technologies.
  • Provide use cases, technical requirements (including gap analysis collaborating with EdgeX core working groups) per each vertical Project.
  • Implement the vertical requirements (collaboration with the EdgeX core working groups).
  • Vertical specific testbeds for EdgeX Foundry.

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