This page contains a list of device services that currently exist, are under development, or are considered archived (potentially serving as example code at best).
Current Device Services
Random Number Generator (Go): Written with the Go SDK and demonstrates the simplest of device services - generating a random number (ints of different size) on a scheduled interval and sends the number as an Event/Reading to Core Data. It also allows the random number range to be set through a request via the Command micro service (demonstrating commands).
Modbus (Go): Written with the Go SDK. Provides generic connectivity to read and write Modbus input status, coils, input registers and holding registers. This implementation works for both TCP and RTU connections.
MQTT (Go): Written with the Go SDK. Provides the connectivity to listen to and publish to the specific MQTT topics.
SNMP (Go): Written with the Go SDK and used to provide data ingestion and command/control of a Dell N-series PoE switch. Future development plans include abstraction for use with other switch types.
Rest REST(Go): Written with the Go SDK. This device service provides easy way for 3rd party applications, such as Point of Sale, CV Analytics, etc., to push data into EdgeX via the REST protocol. The current implementation is meant for one-way communication into EdgeX via async readings.
BACnet (C): Wirtten with the C SDK. A device service to communicate with BACnet sensors/devices .(IP and MSTP)
Developed & In EdgeX Holding (approval needed by TSC to make part of EdgeX)
SNMP (Patlite) (Go): CoAP (C): Written with the C SDK. A device service to do specialized Internet Application Protocol for constrained devices.
GPIO (Go): Written with the Go SDK and used to provide data ingestion and command/control of an SNMP driven Patlite signal tower, but could easily be copied and modified to support other SNMP supported . GPIO is a standard interface used to connect microcontrollers to other electronic devices. It is also very popular with Raspberry Pi adopters given its availability on the devices.
LLRP / RFID (Go): Low Level Reader Protocol (LLRP) is a standardized network interface to many RFID readers.
In Development
Contact the party associated with the development to get more background, status and potentially early code drops.
UART (Go): being developed by Jianxing Intelligence in Go. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) is serial data communications and is used in modems and can be used with USB in a USB to UART bridge.
OPC UA (C): being developed by IoTech using the C SDK. A device service to communicate with OPC UA sensors/devices.
Bacnet (Java):
Random Number Generator (Go): Archived and moved to edgex-examples. Written with the Go SDK and demonstrates the simplest of device services - generating a random number (ints of different size) on a scheduled interval and sends the number as an Event/Reading to Core Data. It also allows the random number range to be set through a request via the Command micro service (demonstrating commands).
Commercially available
from IOTech Systems
Commercial connectors (Current):
- File Exporter in C
- BLE in C
- Zigbee in C
- GPS in C
- CAN in C
- CANOpen in C
- MEMS in C
- EtherCat in C
- EtherNet/IP in C
- Profinet in C
- OPC-UA Pub/Sub in C
- Siemens S7 in C
- File reader in C
- There are additional commercial MQTT (Go), Modbus (Go), OPC-UA (in C) and BACnet (in C) that have added features over the community editions
Commercial connectors (Future):
- ONVIF in C (summer 2020)