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Delivery:  ~ October Code Freeze:  Oct 23, 2019

Release:  Nov 15, 2019

The Fuji release is likely a minor release (forecast EdgeX v1.1) that is intended to "hardened" the services, improve testing, and provide performance measures that give the user community even more trust and faith in the EdgeX platform from which IoT solutions are created.

Table of Contents

Release Themes and Objectives

  • Improve unit, black box and performance testing - increasing the test coverage and providing the means to identify breaks, performance problems or other issues in the code base sooner.
  • Improved security features including use of Vault to store service secrets (ex:  database username/password), improved PKI management, isolating micro service secrets in separate secret stores and ensuring the services running are those expected/trusted.
  • Introduce EdgeX service self-assessment - the first step towards a program of EdgeX replacement micro service certification.
  • Provide for the initial store and forward functionality; providing EdgeX the means to handle periods of being disconnected from north side systems by holding reading data until the system can re-establish connectivity and then forwarding the captured data.
  • Complete Improve upon the initial application services (and application functions SDK) - the new and more scale-able means of sending data to north side systems - and with expectation of archiving/sun-setting EdgeX export services in the next release.
  • Provide example application services to get data to Azure IoT Hub and Amazon IoT Core.
  • Add additional device services to include BACNet, BLE and IP Camera connectors.
  • Restart the EdgeX marketing work group.


  • Add static artifact analysis into the EdgeX Jenkins Pipeline (analysis of Docker /runtime artifacts, not the source code)
  • Add code and artifact signing with semantic versioning
  • Conduct build performance optimizations by:
    • Adding Pipelines for EdgeX Foundry base build images
    • Allow basebuild images to be managed locally within Nexus
    • Leverage PyPi Proxy for local pip dependencies
  • Explore static code analysis like Codecov

General Tasks and Notes

  • Move to Go 1.12 (evaluate and possibly move to Go 1.13 on its arrival)
  • EdgeX will move from RAML to Swagger for API documentation
  • Use nanoseconds for all Event/Reading timestamps (a change from milliseconds).
  • Update the EdgeX "Offerings" page on the EdgeX Website to highlight 3rd parties offering EdgeX products and services.
  • Research options for better building/packaging/using alternate infrastructure elements that would have been accomplished by Go Plugins if not for the fact that this Go Lang feature is not supported and apparently dying.
  • Reconstitute the EdgeX marketing working group - lost with the LF Edge umbrella project creation. This working group will serve to meet EdgeX marketing needs (event planning, promotional material, etc.) as well as provide the LF Edge Marketing Group with EdgeX feedback and insure EdgeX marketing needs are satisfied.
  • Capture unit, integration, and other testing coverage metrics so that the test coverage can be prepared at each face to face meeting.  This will help address the need to implement a test coverage metric in the future.
  • Elect a new release manager for Fuji and each subsequent release.  In order to address pace of change issues, the release manager will attempt to implement release milestones like "no new functionality" dates.