Looking for places to contribute on EdgeX Foundry? There is no lack of areas where technical and non-technical contributors (whether individuals or a small team) can help. This list provides some suggestions and needs to spur your imagination about projects that you and/or your team might find interesting. Get in touch with Keith Steele (keith@iotechsysEdgeX TSC Chair James Butcher (james@iotechsys.com) , Jim White (james_white2@dell.com) or any member of our community if you need assistance in getting on-boarded with the EdgeX Foundry community and are ready to get started! Tune in to our EdgeX Slack channels GitHub Discussion boards to learn more or ask about additional needs: https://edgexfoundrygithub.slack.com/orgs/edgexfoundry/discussions.
Technical Projects
Bug Fixes, Small Enhancements: If you are looking for a way to lend a big hand but in bite sized ways, consider helping fix an EdgeX issue or provide a requested small enhancement. A list of issues (bugs, enhancement requests, etc.) can be found with each of the EdgeX repositories in GitHub. For example, you can find a list of issues associated with the central EdgeX Go repository here: Go Core Issues List. Many of the issues are tagged with "Help Wanted" and "Good First Issues". You can also message the issue creator or a member of the EdgeX community to learn more about the issues you see and how you can help. Our Slack channels The GitHub discussion boards are a great way to introduce yourself and seek guidance and help on any issue.
Roadmap and Backlog: Not seeing something on this list that gets you excited about helping? Not to worry, we have plenty of additional work that might interest you. Checkout our project backlog page and the release pages (each future release provides a list up coming features and work we will need to complete).