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This is an open conference and the public is welcome to attend. Register Today at: (Link not yet live)

Outcomes, Decisions and Actions 

Meeting summary notes:

View file
nameMinnesota Notes.docx

PDF and PPT versions of all the slides including notes as taken during the meeting:

View file
nameMinnesota Planning Conference - Updates and Actions.pdf
View file
nameMinnesota Planning Conference - Updates and Actions.pptx

Full video recordings are shown in the tables below.


Dates and Locations: 


The conference will be held as ½ as ½ day sessions (4 3 hours) using the Zoom conference tool.  The daily schedule is below.  This is a tentative schedule, not yet confirmed

11/147-10AM PDTPTBusiness Topics and Architecture Tee upRecording will appear hereDay 1 Meeting Recording link
11/159AM-12PM PDTPTCadence & Process Check, Architecture TopicsRecording will appear here

Day 2 Meeting Recording link

Announcing the name of the "P" release:

View file

11/167-10AM PDTPT

Minnesota Scoping Part 1

Recording will appear hereDay 3 Meeting Recording link
11/179AM-12PM PDTPTMinnesota Scoping Part 2 and Levski lessons learnedRecording will appear hereDay 4 Meeting Recording link

Topic coverage and detailed agenda are provided below.


Register here:


In preparation for the meeting, please make sure you have installed Zoom and it works correctly.  See

Agenda Slides

View file
nameMinnesota Planning Conference.pptx

Day 1 - Kickoff (Nov 14)


  • 7am PDT PT Introductions & Logistics

  • 7:15am Levski release (any remaining issues)

  • 8:15am Minnesota release

  • 8:30am Business Topics

  • 9:00am Architecture topic tee-up

  • 10am day 1 adjourn

Day 2 - Architectural Decisions (Nov 15)


  • 9am PDT PT Meeting Start

  • 9:05am Release cadence check, release naming
  • 10am Architectural topics discussion and decisions

    • Topics relevant to upcoming release having priority, discussion of architectural design - with goal of making decisions that are particularly relevant and impactful to upcoming release

  • If time allows, we may get a jump on the Minnesota scoping exercise scheduled for day 3.

  • 12pm day 2 adjourn

Day 3 - Minnesota Scoping (Nov 16)


  • 7am PDT PT Meeting Start
  • 7:15 Minnesota scope planning by WG / area
    • General
      • Cross cutting concerns
    • Core
      • GUI
      • CLI
      • System management
      • Test QA
    • Device Service
    • Application
      • eKuiper / rules engine
    • Security
    • DevOps
    • Outreach
      • Marketing
      • Vertical Solutions
      • Developer advocacy (EdgeX Ready, Badging, etc.)
      • Community and product promotion
  • 10am day 3 adjourn

Day 4 - Scope wrap up and Lessons Learned (Nov 17)


  • 9am PDT PT Meeting Start

  • Scope and architectural questions not addressed in prior 3 days will be finished as priority work on day 4 as needed.

  • 10am Levski lessons learned
  • 10:30am Next release planning - in person face to face??
    • Venue/time line
  • 10:45am Long term roadmap
    • Backlog revisit
    • Next LTS forecast
  • 11:30pm Planning meeting lessons learned and changes for next planning meeting
  • 12pm day 4 adjourn
