Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Information here will be moved to the Design Decisions Project Board once approved by the TSC

The EdgeX community has and will continue to explore issues of design and architecture of EdgeX Foundry, its many micro services, deployment mechanisms, testing apparatus, build process and more.


Readers are encouraged to review the EdgeX mailing list (in particular the list) and working group meeting minutes (https://wikilf-edgexfoundry.edgexfoundryatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/FA/Working+Groups) for more information and background on the issues.


  • How should concepts like Device or Addressable be uniquely identified?  Currently using unique name strings
  • How should persistent store identifiers be related/not related to these identifiers.
Service Identifiers

Closed Discussion Items

  • Copyright header – stays the same (see contributor page) until LF has an alternative header and tool to provide
  • Enums & JSON – use strings in place of any language specific enums or Iota in JSON messages and serialize/deserialize as necessary in your language of choice.


  • Agreed to use TOML for specifying configuration information (for local config as well as to config-seed) going forward.  Java code will not be altered at this time.
  • Reasons for TOML (over JSON or YAML) is that white spacing is ignored and it may be validated in the future.
  • In the future, EdgeX may support multiple types of configuration - allowing the user to pick the file format.
Service Identifiers
Device Services SDK Requirements
Edinburgh Release -- Configuration Registry Structure