Looking for places to contribute on EdgeX Foundry? There is no lack of areas where technical and non-technical contributors (whether individuals or a small team) can help. This list provides some suggestions and needs to spur your imagination about projects that you and/or your team might find interesting. Get in touch with Keith Steele (keith@iotechsys.com), Jim White (james_white2@dellEdgeX TSC Chair James Butcher (james@iotechsys.com) or any member of our community if you need assistance in getting on-boarded with the EdgeX Foundry community and are ready to get started! Tune in to our EdgeX Slack channels GitHub Discussion boards to learn more or ask about additional needs: https://edgexfoundry.slackgithub.com/orgs/edgexfoundry/discussions.
Technical Projects
Bug Fixes, Small Enhancements: If you are looking for a way to lend a big hand but in bite sized ways, consider helping fix an EdgeX issue or provide a requested small enhancement. A list of issues (bugs, enhancement requests, etc.) can be found with each of the EdgeX repositories in GitHub. For example, you can find a list of issues associated with the central EdgeX Go repository here: Go Core Issues List. Many of the issues are tagged with "Help Wanted" and "Good First Issues". You can also message the issue creator or a member of the EdgeX community to learn more about the issues you see and how you can help. Our Slack channels are a great way to introduce yourself and seek guidance and help on any issue.