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TBA2022-09-29 Meeting Recording


Arnaud J LE HORS

Jim White

Farhaan Mohideen

David C Martin


  • Create a demo that we can run in our companies labs and use to demonstrate ORRA's value proposition
  • Leverage the LF Edge lab infrastructure to set up and run an ORRA instance
  • Provide a stable, supported definition of all ORRA components
  • Let people bring their own use case and experiment with the platform


  •  Talk to potential Adopters and see if they have any pressing use cases they would like to address with ORRA
  •  David C Martin to write down a one page description of the Architectural Diagram to publish along with the diagram 
  •   Think about whether we should add any text to the ORRA Ref architecture document about what is not considered part of ORRA but might still be necessary in practice
  •  Publish the reference architecture diagram