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At EdgeX, we wanted a way to thank our community members for their hard work and one of those ways is to create a badge program.  These badges can be for various accomplishments but at first will deal with Github.  And we wanted have these available to be displayed on the community member's Github page.

Currently this page and the program is in beta ...

How to add the badge to your Github Profile

Since the middle of 2020, Github has allowed its users to edit their profile pages by editing the file.  The readme file uses simple HTML, so it is very easy to add the code needed to display your badge.

If you have never set up your GitHub README repository, go here and walk through GitHub's tutorial. Once created, you will have some default text to show you that it is all set up.  This README is the same as all other README, except that when someone visits your profile, it will be displayed.

  1. Go to your profile page 

Step-by-step guide

Badges and Their Description


Image Modified

The bug hunter badge is earned with the member completes two or more Issues that have the bug label(Image Modified ). 


Image Modified

(this is the same as above but with text, we should only use one)
3BugHunter V2

Image Modified

(this has the octo-bug, marketing had some issues with this, we probably should use #2)
4BugHunter V2

Image Modified

same as #3 but no text


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cqllabel = "kb-how-to-article" and type = "page" and space = "FA"

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