To that end, a new project is being started within the Linux Foundation, to create LF Edge umbrella that creates an open source framework to enable exactly that level of collaboration amongst Retail industry vendors; as envisioned by the Open Retail Initiative (https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/retail/open-retail-initiative.html).
This open source framework will be created as a sub-project of EdgeX Foundry, an LF Edge project. With the creation of this sub-project, we are enlisting other key partners to help build out the Open Retail Reference Architecture (ORRA).
This project will build on collaboration between lF Edge projects EdgeX Foundry, Open Horizon, and Secure Device Onboard (SDO) projects.
IBM, Intel, and HP Inc. are supporting the creation of this project within the Linux Foundation and invite others to participate.
We are targeting this project to other Retail suppliers, merchants, and partners in creating solutions for the Retail industry.
If you have material contributions you want to make to the creation, maintenance, and enhancement of this project, please follow the directions outlined at: https://wiki.edgexfoundry.org/display/FA/Open+Retail+Reference+Architecture.
- “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT Industry 2021 Predictions”, IDC, https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=US46942020