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Formal EdgeX testing is currently focused on ensuring the functional aspects of EdgeX are working correctly. This level of testing involves a number of automated test suites for Unit, Integration and Blackbox API testing and validation. A set of tests that can be used to determine the non-functional characteristics of EdgeX, specifically performance, is also required.  This document defines the scope of these tests and also identifies the key test cases required for each category of tests. Recommendations for possible testing approaches are also made.


  1. Measure the time it takes to startup each EdgeX microservice, this includes the time it takes to create the docker container, configure and initialize the service.
  2. Measure the time it takes to startup each EdgeX microservice with existing docker containers and initialized data.
  3. Measure the time it takes to startup the complete set of EdgeX microservices required to enable data to be read by a device and exported. 


  1. Measure the time it takes to read an event with [1, 5, 10, 50, 100] readings from [1, 10, 20, 50, 100] devices (virtual) with a sample rate of [100 ms, 1 sec, 10 sec, 30 sec, 60sec] and export it (via the Export Service).


Test cases for Memory, CPU, Latency and Throughout should be repeated with the Virtual Device Service replaced with the each of the real Device Services listed above communicating with either a real device/sensor or possibly a device simulator.

Note: currently the Device Services listed above are written in Java, however community initiatives in this area are focused on developing new Device Service SDKs in C and Go. Over time the Device Services listed above will be replaced with implementations in either C or Go.As of Delhi and Edinburgh releases, the Java device services have been replaced with Go and C versions. 


  1. To smooth out any outliers or “warm-up” affects effects each individual performance test result will typically be calculated by taking the average over a number of repeated test iterations (e.g. 1000, but may vary depending on sample rate for each test – more for low sample rates and less for high sample rates).
  2. Will require a configurable Virtual Device Service to drive many of the tests listed above. The current Virtual Device Service is written in Java but to be able to support performance testing on other platforms (e.g. 32 but bit ARM) then it is likely that Virtual Device Service implementations in either Go or C (or both) will be required.
  3. It is expected that a test harness/framework that can satisfy the requirements and support the scope of test tests outlined above will have to be created specifically for this task. However, there are many 3rd party performance testing technologies that may form some part of the overall framework. These includes basic command line utilities such as Top (Unix) or Docker (stats) for providing CPU and Memory consumption data. There are also more sophisticated commercial container monitoring tools such as DataDog with integrated dashboarding and reporting. To support API level load testing there are both open source tools such as bender  Bender a Go-based framework for load testing services using protocols such as HTTTP and Thrift or commercial tools such as Load Impact that can be used with existing Postman test collections (Postman is currently used for EdgeX blackbox testing) to create realistic load scenarios with multiple clients issuing REST request simultaneously. Where appropriate use of these types of tool tools should be considered to complement any tests/scripts that have to be written specifically to support the implementation of the test cases listed in this document.
  4. May require an emulated Cloud server (a dummy server that runs on the local test node and that be used to help log performance data) as an Export Service target that can be used to support the Latency and Throughput tests listed previously.