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This document will walk you through installing and running the essential EdgeX Foundry microservices on a RaspberryPi for testing and evaluation. This should not be used in a production environment. This guide is for developers who want to learn EdgeX by running it as a mock gateway device on a commonly available hobbyist device. 


The RaspberryPi 3B+ has a full gig of ram, but while running MongoDB (and also when building from source if you choose to do so) this may not be enough. So before going any further you will first want to create some additional memory capacity by adding a swap file to your filesystem. Run the following command to create a new 2GB swap file:

sudo touch /tmp/theswap
sudo chmod 600 /tmp/theswap
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/theswap bs=1M count=2048
sudo mkswap /tmp/theswap 
sudo swapon /tmp/theswap

Install system dependencies


The snap contains all of the default core-* services, support-*, export-* and exportsecurity-* services though for now by default only the security-* and the core-* services are enabled in the snap. To enable other services (such as export-distro in this example), use snap set:

sudo snap set edgexfoundry export-distro=on

Running EdgeX with docker-compose
