Table of Contents
System management API (action, alerts, metric) as discussed and outlined here
System management Agent (see same document above outlining the agent functionality and duties)
As a stretch goal, the allow services to respond to native init processes (example: as that provided by systemd). The functionality added with this the outlined system management capability would APIs should help facilitate systemd like bootstrapping.calls
- Potentially explore "Gateway management" to include:
- Demonstrate basic management of EdgeX via select 3rd party console (ex: VMware Pulse IoT Center, System Center, …)
- Demonstrate EdgeX software updates
- Updates to non-EdgeX components (drivers, end-devices)
- Performance tests on startup time, request/response times on all APIs, latency to actuation from device service collection, through core data, to rules engine, command back to a device service.
- Performance metric testing will include CPU and memory usage statistics
- Improved unit and integration testing across all EdgeX microservices
- Returning unit test coverage to ~80%
- Requires some Go code refactoring and decoupling among resources (like the database, logging, etc.)
- Use of mock objects to isolate functions under test.
· Use of JWT for authentication/access token