Table of Contents
- To be determined by the Security Working Group but likely includes access control lists, use of JWT for authentication/access token based authorization, and securing the bootstrapping
System management API (action, alerts, metric) as discussed and outlined here
System management Agent (see same document above outlining the agent functionality and duties)
As a stretch goal, the functionality added with this system management capability would facilitate systemd like bootstrapping.
- Potentially explore "Gateway management" to include:
- Demonstrate basic management of EdgeX via select 3rd party console (ex: VMware Pulse IoT Center, System Center, …)
- Demonstrate EdgeX software updates
- Updates to non-EdgeX components (drivers, end-devices)
- Performance tests on startup time, request/response times on all APIs, latency to actuation from device service collection, through core data, to rules engine, command back to a device service.
- Performance metric testing will include CPU and memory usage statistics
- Improved unit and integration testing across all EdgeX microservices
- Returning unit test coverage to ~80%
- Requires some Go code refactoring and decoupling among resources (like the database, logging, etc.)
- Use of mock objects to isolate functions under test.
· Use of JWT for authentication/access token