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Delivery:  ~June 2018


  • Meet all performance targets
    While more requirements are needed, the overall performance targets for EdgeX are listed at the bottom of this page and include running all the core, support and application micro services in < 1GB or RAM on a 64 bit CPU, requiring less than 32GB of disk storage space, start (collectively) in under 1 minute and actuate from sensor collection to device trigger in < 1 second.

    In order to accomplish these targets, it is believed the following work must be accomplished for the California release

    • Provide 100% compatible and complete Go Lang micro services for the existing Java core, support and application micro services to include core-data, core-metadata, core-command, core-consul (with seed), support-logging,  support-notifications, support-scheduler, support-rulesengine, export-client, export-distro.
    • Provide device service SDKs and example device services in languages like Go and C/C++
  • Implement security & system management API hooks
    Depending on the implementation needs of security (see below) and system management (see below), there may be a need to make changes to the existing micro service code in support of these facets.  It is likely that each micro service will implement some sort of base service to provide data and system management functionality to the system management agent.  It is hoped that security work will not require micro service changes but this could change depending on design and implementation needs.
  • Not MVP, but additional contributions sought for
    • Improved and more dynamic configuration
      Consul today provides for centralized configuration of the micro services.  The configuration seed service is used to initialize Consul with configuration from each of the micro services.  This process is often error prone given the multiple configuration files in each micro service (and often multiple for the various environments such as dockerized or non-dockerized).  Can the initialization of Consul be improved, simplified, and made less error prone?
      Changes to configuration in Consul are immediately made available to applications.  However, applications must implement a “watcher” to see a configuration change and then call to get that change (the core-config-watcher in GitHub was meant to demonstrate how to do this but was never implemented or used in any service).  Further, even if micro services are made to be more dynamic in watching for and using new/updated configuration, some of the configuration changes would only work after a restart (ex: the REST endpoint port number of the micro service).  Is there a way to signify which configuration is allowed to be changed at runtime and which can only take affect after a restart of the service.
    • Better Export Services flexibility/SDK-like elements
      In the export distribution service (Java or Go), facilities to provide endpoints with EdgeX data are statically programmed into the pipeline of this service today.  That is, when data comes to export distribution, based on a client’s registration, it is filtered, transformed/formatted, compressed, and then encrypted.  Some options are provided (like allowing formatting in JSON versus XML), but these options are again statically build into the export distribution pipe.  If a user wishes to add new filters, new transformations (example adding a CSV format), new encryption or compression routines, then the user must get the export-distro code base, fork it and make their own copy.  Is there a way to create plugins or modules into the pipe-filter architecture of the export-distro so that it is more flexible to meet new needs going forward?  Is it possible to make some sort of SDK for the export-distro service so users can essentially create a custom export facility with the options for filtering, transforming, enriching, etc. the EdgeX data as they see fit without having to fork and rebuild the entire micro service on their own?

Device Service SDK and Device Service Tasks and Notes


  • System management API (action, alerts, metric) as discussed and outlined here

  • System management Agent

Target Performance

  • The target is to run all of EdgeX (all the services to include the virtual device service) on a Raspberry Pi 3 (1 GB RAM, 64bit CPU, at least 32GB storage space, running Raspbian Linux distro)

    • This is not an endorsement of the platform as our favorite or otherwise endorsed platform

    • It only suggests the general characteristics of a “developer community” target platform

    • This may not be entirely feasible without all Go replacements, but is the target and the development community will report back when/where this is not possible

    • For example, it is unlikely the target security implementation will fit on this size platform

  • Additional “developer community” targets

    • Startup in 1 minute or less (post OS boot – from micro service start to all services up and available)

    • Throughput for one piece of data (with one IP device connected by hard wire – versus WiFi) from data ingestion at the Device Service layer, through Core Data, to Rules Engine and back down through Command Service finally to Device Service for actuation will be < 1 second
