Delivery: ~ December October 2018
The Delhi release is slated to implement additional features in the security and manageability roadmap, continue to improve overall performance and establish the certification program within the EdgeX project for both commmerical commercial instances of the full platform and drop-in "EdgeX-compliant" microservices. The release will also start to look at EdgeX in a wider context use - with instances spread across a fog deployment.
Key release themes and planned features to be implemented will be detailed in early 2018after the mid-year TSC Face-to-face meeing (~June 2018).
Release Themes and Objectives
- Target <256MB of memory utilization for baseline deployment of EdgeX, boot time 1-2 minutes
- Implementation of message bus alternative for intercommunication between microservices as an alternative to REST (REST Implementation of Core Services and Device Service SDK in C to support deterministic real time use caseswon't go away, but alternative to be provided for asynchronous and better QoS needs)
- Improved performance to continually lower footprint, data collection and actuation latency, lower startup time, etc. which began with the California Release
- Implementation of additional priority features for security and manageabilityIntegration with Kubernetes for container orchestration
- Potentially, implementation of specific services and SDKs in C to support deterministic real time use cases
- Certification process for EdgeX-compliant microservices to enable a plug-and-play ecosystem
- Validate commercial implementations of EdgeX (full platform or discrete microservice) satisfies key APIs and deployment/delivery facilities
- …
- Facilitate East/West capability
- Microservice load balancing, failover, scale-over, ...
- Device from EdgeX A triggers action on device on EdgeX B
- Address data privacy concerns
- EU laws and affirmation about data use/storage/etc.
General Tasks and Notes
Certification Process - want to have outlined by Delhi
Probably will include different levels of certification (micro service, versus “box”, etc.)
Provide roadmap around technical debt/refactor (what and when)
Example: Device service rewrites (ex: BLE, Bacnet)
- Improving EdgeX resiliency in face of issues or non-availability of some resources/services/etc.
Potentially, provide EdgeX User Interface(s)
Micro Service Tasks and Notes
- Refresh (to latest releases) and improve north side connectors (like Azure IoT Hub connector)
Support additional backend integration(s) such as Watson, AWS/Greengrass, …
Support additional export feature(s)
Support additional formats (Ex: Haystack, OPC-UA, …)
Support additional endpoint types (Ex: DDS, AMQP, …)
Provide enrichment services
How best to facilitate client command requests/actuation
Expose command information north bound (export of actuation information and APIs)
More dynamic configuration
Potentially, alternate message infrastructure between some or all the services
Device Services and SDK Tasks and Notes
- Provide new and/or updated Device Services
- Real BACnet or BLE
- Additional DS (i.e. Zigbee, OPC-UA, CANBus, …)
Security Tasks and Notes
- California release was focused on initially securing the EdgeX “gateway” and remains the priority
- This work will be extended / augmented in this release (looking at alternative authentication, adding MQTT and other protocol reverse proxy, etc.)
- This work will be extended / augmented in this release (looking at alternative authentication, adding MQTT and other protocol reverse proxy, etc.)
- Code signing – how to certify integrity of the system
- The release will start to explore, potentially, securing EdgeX’s devices
Explore potential use of hyperledger
System Management Tasks and Notes
- California release was focused on an API and System Management API centered on micro service management. This release will continue that work and expand beyond micro service management.
- Potentially explore "Gateway management" to include:
- Demonstrate basic management of EdgeX via select 3rd party console (ex: VMware Pulse IoT Center, System Center, …)
- Demonstrate EdgeX software updates
- Updates to non-EdgeX components (drivers, end-devices)
- Explore alternate deployment/orchestration options (e.g. Kubernetes)
Stretch Goals for the Release
- Facilitate East/West capability
- Micro service load balancing, failover, scale-over, ...
- Device from EdgeX A triggers action on device on EdgeX B
- Address data privacy concerns
- EU laws and affirmation about data use/storage/etc.
- Explore streaming analytic needs/implementations
- Address multi-tenancy needs