Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The EdgeX project does use checkstyles during the build process.  So code that does not conform to the style guide will result in a request by the project to address issues before being accepted.

Line Feeds

Line endings in code files are different for *nix versus Windows.  In *nix, lines end with “\n”.  In Windows, lines end with “\r\n” (carriage return, line feed).  This creates issues when pulling/working with code created in different environments.

The *nix line feed is the desired line ending for EdgeX Foundry source code.  Windows developers need to configure tools to use and apply the appropriate line endings.  Thanks to Gorka Garcia from Cavium, here are some examples of how to configure some popular tools to deal with this issue.

  • For Eclipse (Version: Oxygen.2 Release (4.7.2)), go to “Window > Preferences > General > Workspace” settings and find “New text file line delimiter” and set it to “Other: Unix”, this will set the line endings for new files. There is also  “File > Convert Line Delimiters To > Unix” option for converting files already with windows line endings.
  • For Microsoft Visual Studio Code (v1.19.2) you need to add the following to the user configurations:

    "files.eol": "\n"

  • For Notepad++ (v7.5.1) go to "Settings > Preferences > New Document/Default Directory" then select "Unix/OSX"

Submission DCO

As a potential contributor of code to the project, you are highly encouraged to read the Project Charter and in particular note section 12 - Intellectual Property Policy.  Contributors are advised to understand that submitting code to the project indicates you agree with the the Developer Certificate of Origin. See the Committing Code Code Guidelines for details on how to sign your code contributions to indicate your agreement with the DCO. See for a description of how the Linux kernel implements its DCO.
