The EdgeX Technical Steering Committee (TSC) has established a bi-annual release roadmap that demonstrates a long-term strategy to provide a product-quality open source foundation for interoperable commercial differentiation with increasing enablement of real-time fog computing use cases. In order to provide EdgeX consumers with a predictable roadmap foundation to base their commercial offerings on it is the goal of the TSC to plan key release themes out at least 12 months in advance and to slot key features to be delivered in a given release 6 months out. As with any software project, features are implemented based on priority and available developer bandwidth.
We welcome the community to help shape the overall EdgeX roadmap through participation in the working groups and by making code contributions to the project.
Below are general notes on overall EdgeX project needs and vision. This list will evolve over time and specific features will be slotted into the official roadmap by the TSC based on the initial priority of . Initial prioritization will be on enabling commercial offers for Industrial IoT deployments with a stable, product-quality foundation and with an increasing focus over time focus will be increased on real-time fog computing use cases. This list should serve as guiding instructions to contributors at all levels of the project and we welcome experimentation on future needs in addition to contributions to the primary project roadmap.
- Management of EdgeX supporting software
- Install/uninstall, start/stop & configure databases
- Install/uninstall, start/stop & configure message brokers/message systems
- Base service implementation in all microservices
- Defines interface and API hooks for start, stop, restart, etc. of services
- Microservice Registry Ties to System Management
- Start Service
- Stop Service
- Know service responsive, performance
- Install/uninstall service
- Update service (provide rollback in some cases)
- Manage configuration (add, update, delete)
- Define the port a service runs on
- Seed service data (example: Addressable for device services)
- Notify services of other service state changes
- Store/understand/manage micro service dependency information (example: point all services to new security service provider)
- Manage blacklist services (turn off a service for maintenance, etc.)
- Assist device services provision/remove new devices
- Discover new devices being connected
- User interface to provide administration
- Plug into 3rd-party commercial management consoles (VMware Pulse, System Center, etc.)
- Build "single pane of glass" apparatus for managing of EdgeX across multiple platform instances
Address Additional Market/Business Needs
- Collaboration with consortium on test beds (IIC, OpenFog, etc.)
- Collaboration with other open source projects (CFF, OCI, CNCF, Kubernetes, etc.)
- Collaboration with SDOs for better together functionality
- Support for Multi-tenancy
- Pay-for-services model built-in (IoTaaS)EdgeX in consortium test beds (IIC, OpenFog, etc.)
Quality Assurance Procedures