Site Navigation: Introduction to EdgeX Foundry | EdgeX Foundry Microservices Architecture | API Reference | Definitions
The EdgeX TSC Technical Steering Committee has established a bi-annual release roadmap that demonstrates a long-term strategy to provide a product-quality open source foundation for interoperable commercial differentiation. Refer to the each page for target functionality in each release.
Participation in and contributions to the project are gladly welcome.
The page contains features, clean up and project direction as viewed by its original creators. As the EdgeX Foundry community establishes itself, look for more formal project direction to be specified in these pages.
Overall Project Vision
Below are general notes overall project needs and vision. This list will evolve over time and specific features will be slotted into the bi-annual releases on those pages. This list should serve as guiding instructions to contributors at all levels of the project.
General Code Clean Up
The following list constitutes known deficiencies and items for clean up within the EdgeX Foundry code base. This is not a bug list, but a list of more general design flaws, systemic implementation issues, coding practices, etc.
- A base service class is needed for all microservices (the base class could potentially include security and sys management APIs)
- Dynamic configuration change callbacks for all microservices
- Implement Device Manager capability (versus Device)
- Dependency microservice retries and retry policies for service-to-service communications
- More unit, integration, system tests are needed for most microservices
- DevOps (builds, containerization, code reviews, etc.)
Additional Feature Needs
- High-performance messaging bus for intercommunication between microservices
- Facilitate East-West capability between EdgeX-enabled nodes
- Scale/Load balance across EXF instances
- EXF Failover
- Cluster of EXF Scaling/load balancing and failover across EdgeX instances
- Cluster of EdgeX node management
- Facilitate North-South capability
- Gateway (EXFEdgeX) Device Service
- Gateway (EXFEdgeX) to Gateway (EXFEdgeX) export
- Plug into system 3rd party commercial management systems consoles (VMware Pulse, System Center, AirWatch, etc.)
- Reference implementation device services for common protocols BACnet, ModbusOPC-UA, CAN bus, OCF, LoRa, ZigBee, etc.
- Local console user interfaces
- Export Services SDK-like facility to allow for
- Additional transformations
- Additional filtering
- Alternate encryption and compress routines
- Address other protocol endpoints (AMPQ, DDS, ...)
- Provide additional cloud connectors (Azure, Watson, SAP HanaHANA, etc.)
- Device Service and Device Service SDK improvements
- Refactor/simplify the SDK
- provide Provide more code examples for other protocols (Zigbee, Zwave, ...)
- Standards Better-together with standards (OPC-UA, OCF, etc.)
- Connectivity to other open source IoT platforms/systems (Kura, IoTivity, ...)
- Alternate language support (C/C++, Python, Go,...)